Our Toxic Legacy: How Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, and Cadmium Harm Our Health

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Our Toxic Legacy describes the unique characteristics of each of these four major toxic metals and identifies the likely sources of our exposures. It offers in-depth, evidence- based information on subtle as well as serious health problems each metal induces, methods to test for its presence, and therapies to rid it from our bodies. Equally important, the book demonstrates the failures of the federal government to enforce even weak safety standards-themselves formulated to accommodate economic interests rather than for protection of public health-and offers new and important information on what we can do to help limit these toxic metals in our environment. Our Toxic Legacy shows that, while much remains to be done, we can take measures now to protect ourselves and to ensure the health of future generations and the planet.

Author: Beatrice Trum Hunter
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Basic Health Publications; 1st edition edition (October 7, 2011)

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